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Aug 28, 20242 min read
NG-4 Fuzz
Bootstrapping is great , I said as much myself. Sometimes that love gets a bit too far, sometimes you build a whole career on it. Either...
Dec 27, 20239 min read
Bijous: pretty BJT overdrives
Also on FSB! Introduction Electric guitarists have been long enamored with...
Aug 6, 20239 min read
Chewborg Envelope Filter
Introduction On my quest through re-imagining effects pedals, I felt like envelope-controlled filters deserved some attention. As it is...
Jun 30, 202310 min read
"That" compressor
I had wanted to make a compressor circuit for a long time, because it's a popular and somewhat easy to make effect, but the existing DIY...
Jun 4, 20235 min read
Trembling Satellite tremolo
The Tremulus Lune is by far the most popular DIY tremolo project, and for good reasons: it's a simple enough circuit that does all you...
May 27, 20233 min read
Cable shielding tester
There are times when instrument cables let through an unacceptable amount of interference, usually from mains. It could be a faulty cable...
May 18, 20235 min read
CMOS multi-waveform generator
Anyone who has done any considerable amount of repairs and troubleshooting knows the importance of having a signal generator. For audio...
Apr 28, 202310 min read
Pevy Knave Guitar Preamplifier
Check also the FSB thread! Peavey, Pavey, Pevy, or is it Pee-vee? One of my favorite amplifiers is still to this day the Peavey Bandit...
Apr 27, 20232 min read
Morley M2 Volume Wah (M2WA) schematic
There's not much information about this series from Morley. This company seems to have tried many different control schemes for the wah,...
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